Elementary Counselor

Mrs. Adcock

Mrs. Adcock

Elementary School Counselor

Email: melissaadcock@kingcityschools.org

This is my 8th year as elementary school counselor at KCE and I absolutely love it here! We have great students and staff and it is my pleasure to get to work with them every single day!  #KCErocks 

Welcome Wildkats!

Check out my December newsletter (English & Spanish).

dec newsletter

span dec newsletter

Mrs.  Adcock's Bio: 

I grew up on my family's farm near Stanberry. Now I live on a farm near Guilford with my husband, Eldon and our kids, Lillian (8) and Charlie (7), along with our dog, 2 cats, a handful of cattle and chickens.

I earned a Bachelor of Science in Youth & Family Ministry from Central Christian College (Moberly), a Master of Arts in Counseling from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Kansas City) and Post-Masters K-12 School Counseling Certification from Missouri Baptist University (St. Louis).
